Discover what talent stand out

There are two phases for multi-talented people.

Phase 1 - The Flex: Everyone looks at you in awe "OMG you're so talented. What can't you do?"

Phase 2 - The Bridge: You sit with yourself and wonder "what I really want to do with my life. Which path do I want to follow?"

I know how it is to be lost in choosing a career path. I once thought of being multi-talented as a blessing and curse. I write, draw, dance, act... I assure you the list goes on. I was lost at a point... One minute I think I know, the next minute I don't. How did I deal with this?

There are two tips I will give you based on personal experience.

The best way is to develop your talents, all of them as much as you can. By doing this you will realize that you have a higher passion, higher drive for one or two more than others.

While doing this, you ask yourself questions like:

Which one do I enjoy more?

Which one do I see myself doing in 30 years?

Which one am I willing to do every day?

Finally, I will be realistic to let you know that the journey to self discovery is not a one-day journey. It took me till last year to realize that I wanted to be a writer.

Often, when you align your path, you'll see how you can use your other talents to build your major one.